Quickly access reliable information and data related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the US Center for Disease Control (CDC), the UK (NHS) and the UK government. We have also included Hong Kong and Singapore health authorities dashboards as these are useful bellwethers for the spread, containment and control of COVID-19.
Use the tabs below to get a quick overview of the current status from global and national dashboards, a curated newsfeed and the daily WHO Situation Reports. This information may be useful to pass on to employees through your intranet or dedicated employee communication pages that you may have created, or it can be a quick way to catch up on what is happening without being exposed to the misinformation, speculation and scaremongering on many websites and social media.
About Us
This resource page has been created as a result of some work we’ve been doing on intranets and internal employee communication pages around Coronavirus/COVID-19.
It provides dynamic content based on respected resources like WHO, CDC, NHS and government health departments.
Its purpose is twofold:
– to provide a one page resource for those curating content they may want to provide to employees and other stakeholders
– to give everyone a place where they can get a quick overview of what is happening without trawling through pages of news, blogs and social media.
Hopefully this will help to assuage people’s understandable curiosity about the evolving situation without them having to spend an inordinate amount of time that could be more productively spent elsewhere.
If you would like to see options for SharePoint information pages for Coronavirus/COVID-19 that can be customised for your internal intranet pages, email help@tradeit.uk.com.